Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yesterday sucked. So. Much.

I was running around all day prepping for our holiday event at the museum, and then no one came. Well. Not no one. Actually, five people came, and they were all lovely, and they brought more than their fair share of canned food (the event was a benefit for a local aid organization), so it wasn't a total loss....but still, discouraging. All of our other events throughout the year were raging successes, so I'm trying very hard not to let one dud get me down, but I was very invested in this particular event and....bah! Anyway, there wasn't any time to take photos, so I'm going to try to recapture yesterday's outfit along with what I wore today. I am finding that the most challenging part of the challenge is actually the photos! So that I'm not leaving you with nothing, here's some more random inspiration..

This photo of Giselle for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 2004 just kills me. I want to go to there...I have no idea where most of these images came from. They live on my desktop. If any of them are yours, let me know?


  1. Rose, I wish I'd been in town, I totally would have attended your benefit! Don't despair.

    And, that cat picture IS awesome.

  2. Aw, thanks, lady! Ash said the same thing...I don't know why I didn't think to at least invite friends down from Portland! When are you going to stop being so busy and come have tea with me?
