Ever since concepts like style and design entered my brain, I've loved the look of vintage sailor pants. I think its fairly safe to say Gwen Stefani played a major role in this little obsession (and soooo many others), but I also remember flipping through books of WWII era photography from the library and just swooning over the photos of sailors in the south China seas rocking their button-up bellbottoms, rolled up with deck shoes and wife-beaters, salt-stained caps set rakishly at an angle. I'm sure for them it was just work clothes, but to me it was the epitome of style. I wanted what they were having.
Now, let's get real here. I'm little, ok? 5'0" and 110, to be exact. So, while vintage sailor pants are actually pretty easy to find, the odds of scoring a pair that would fit me even with alteration were slim indeed. Until.
One day, a few years ago, I dropped into Buffalo Exchange to kill a little time (Yes. I shop to kill time. This is the secret to my success.), and there they were, on the end of the rack. I said a little prayer, and hurled myself into the nearest dressing room. And they fit. Actually, they are the only pair of pants I have never had to have hemmed. Every winter, I bust them out, and they keep me oh-so-warm and stylish.
Dearest tiny tiny sailor, I don't know who you are, or how you even got your scrawny misfit self into the Navy, but I love you. So much.
This was really hard to do in cone heels. Which is why my face looks so...special.
Vintage Chloe blouse, thrifted, $10
Ann Taylor shoes, thrifted, $10
Velvet ribbon, Michael's, $2/yd
Apologies for the twilight (And my nekkid little toes! Scandalous!)...I lost track of time and we literally took these photos five minutes before sunset! The last few photos I snapped in my blindingly white bathroom (which I will show you in all its glory soon...)...Now I'm off to see my friend Natalie's band Fever perform tonight at Plan B. They are wickedly, wickedly good.
And don't forget to enter my first ever giveaway, at least if you want a custom watercolor portrait of yourself by yours truly. Oh, you know you do!